SUPER SPIDER SCARE – Scare Perfect Peter using a fake spider. Get your timing right to drop the spider onto Peter’s head to pull off the perfect prank!
GROSS GOO – Who is that at the door? Whoever it is will be getting a face full of goo! Rub your finger over their face to cover it with globs of goo!
BUMPER BURPTASTIC – Henry needs to get rid of the babysitter. A gigantic burp should do the trick! Fill the on-screen belch meter as quickly as you can!
LOUNGER LIFT OFF – Moody Margaret has fallen asleep on the sun lounger. Attach the balloons to the lounger and make her float away!
DINO DASH – Henry’s imagination can sometimes get carried away and one of his fantastic pranks involves being transformed into a Henryosaurus and devouring Perfect Peter!
SCHOOL SQUASH – Another prank from Henry’s wild imagination. Henry plans to become giant-sized and stomp on the school!
DEMON DECORATOR – Henry has always been an artist and has found a new way to decorate a room – with paint balloons!
WIZARD WHOOPEE – Nothing can beat the classic whoopee cushion on a chair prank. Henry just needs to place it without being noticed!
FLICK THE BOGEY – Henry is an expert at bogey flicking. See if you can hit his friend Ralph from great distances too!
HORRID HOSEDOWN – Henry thinks he is fastest on the draw and is challenging Moody Margaret to a quick draw super soaker challenge!
PLUS 5 PRANKS TO UNLOCK - Super Stinker, Door Drencher, Fatal Fart, Mud Pie Mayhem and Balloon Bombard.